Power of Attorney

Your family are powerless to help you without a Power of Attorney
No one knows what the future holds and as much as we would like to always be independent, having a Power of Attorney provides the assurance that help is available when you most need it.
Plan now for your family or friends to easily help you should you become incapacitated in the future.
Establish your Power of Attorney
Your Power of Attorney is a legal document which enables you to give authority to trusted family members or friends enabling them to support you by speaking to medical professionals and/or dealing with your finances should you need assistance in the future.

"My doctor advised me to set up a Power of Attorney so my loved ones can help me in the future with health and money matters if needed. Marylyn made made the process very easy and I am now prepared for the future."
- Julia Robertson, Cardenden

Help is available when you need it most.
New confidentiality rules introduced in 2020 means doctors, social workers and banks will not include your family in any decision-making unless you have a Power of Attorney in place.
Don't delay until it's too late.
If you become seriously incapacitated without a Power of Attorney in place, your loved ones may have to seek a Guardianship which is a time-consuming process and is very expensive as an application requires to be made to a Court.
Make things easier for yourself and your family to assist you if needed - Prepare your Power of Attorney now whilst you are still in good health and of sound mind!